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Food allergy sufferers want to feel confident eating.
Target audience
Millenials & Gen z

About 32 million people have food allergies in the U.S
Millenials & Gen z
Boomers & Gen x
US population

I packed my EpiPen, and read
the labels, but it wasn’t enough.

Interviews: 10 users
Uncertainty is the prevalent feeling when they do not cook for themselves
They would rather avoid eating than over asking or taking the risk even if they ask and there still doubts
They would rather avoid eating than over asking or taking the risk even if they ask and there still doubts
Secondary reserach
Survey of more than 500 patients and caregivers:
About two-thirds of respondents reported mental health concerns relating to food allergy
Only one in six patients and one in seven caregivers had received mental health services addressing those concerns.
More than half of respondents wanted resources to help them cope with food allergy anxiety and stress
FARE Patient Registry® (Food allergy association and education)
Provide the information the user need and the family members need to feel confident
Create a safe space for the user when they are in a unplanned situation or emergency
Create a community that allows for an easier way to find allergy-friendly places

App prototype
The app is meant to be used when you want to know more detailed information about your scans or your device.

Shows status through
Gradual fill & Color

1. Turn on
2. Pick
3. Drop
4. Know
It is really hard to choose a place to go when we want to go on a date.
- Nora

Product ecosystem possibilities
Main product
& Gen z
No phone needed
incorporated screen
& Gen X
More compact
and portable

Customizable Options
That adapt to your needs

Product Life cycle
fless is compromised to be with you always, if something is wrong let us know and we will have you covered.
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