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Optimizing the commuting experience
The current Transportation methods are not satisfying all the user’s needs while commuting.

An office worker in London that spends 2 hours commuting to work daily.
Moved out of the city in order to have a better quality of life.
When she uses her car she gets really stressed thinking about the time she lost while driving in traffic.
When she uses public transportation she dislikes the lack of privacy and comfort to be productive.
Meet Chris
User persona
How might we create a commuting space that gives to the user the benefits of both public and private transportation?
"56% of Americans plan to move in 2021, compared to just 35% that moved in 2020. Due to the shifting economy, rise in remote work opportunities, and desire to relocate to less densely populated areas, more than one in five Americans have either moved during the pandemic or knows someone who did." - Extraspace blog (storage company)
"Lockdown and rise of remote working has caused many to make switch from metropolitan life" - Amelia Hill in The Guardian
Example: Bicester, UK
One-way trip and costs 43 dollars per trip. This demonstrates that the user is willing to pay a high price for an average commute showing an opportunity to improve the average commute and provide a space that gives to the user the benefits of both public and private transportation.

Taken from:
People are moving out of the cities to get a better quality of life and they are paying higher prices when it comes to commuting
But what are users doing while they commute?
Based on user observation

No secure place to store backpacks
Bending to the front
arm resting on the knee

No place to put their food nor their belongings
They have to make strange positions to keep. everything in place
One hand holding food and the other hand using the fork

Strained neck
Head tilts to the sides
Very frequent when the passenger is towards a wall or window.

Tablets and computers used in the ride
Curved spine to see the screen
No connectivity, they are dependent on the battery of their devices.
Surveys and interviews ---
Users needs ---
Based on primary research
More space
Less noise
Storage availability
Ergonomic seats
Better connectivity
Private space
Cleaner environment
Safer enviroment, keeping the user informed
Conclusion ---
Users want to have a commuting experience that is comfortable, convenient and safe
Comfort: being able to relax, sleep, to feel clean, cozy, and spacious.
Convenience: Customizable, accessible, user-friendly.
Safety:Being able to take out your belongings without worrying, feeling protected, familiar, and being informed about current situations.

Automated Modular Efficient Transportation
Modular train cabin that provides to the user the best of both public and private transportation.

Chris downloaded the train app and she saw the new cabin available: AMET. It offers the privacy and comfort she has in her car plus the convenience and safety of not having to drive.
Select a layout according to your needs.
Chris selected the productive layout to use the most out of her time!
When the layout is selected the modular cabin adapts and creates the layout accordingly.
For maximum personalization, the users can customize lighting, temperature, seat height, and other features inside the cabin to maximize their commuting experience.

Top storage

Cabin overview
Wireless chargers

Hidden vacuum
The system will be active when there are no users in the cabin in order to avoid loosing objects and creating noise contamination.

Bottom storage
In order to give the user hand freedom and a place for their belongings, they have storage in the bottom and the top of the cabin.

To make sure Amet can be produced its dimensions are based on the Acella train and actually, one Acella train car can fit up to 10 Amet cabins.

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